With Pega RPA, automate repetitive work, bridge gap between systems and accelerate your Robotic journey

Benefits of RPA

Robotic Process Automation fully automates end-to-end business processes to accelerate work outcomes, remove errors, and enable organizations to scale quickly for spikes in volume

Optimize Resources

Reduce Risk

Increase Productivity

Ensure Compliance

Reduce Costs

Minimize Errors

Pega Robotic Automation

  • Pegasystems is Visionary in the Gartner Magic Quadrant –  View Report
  • Non-invasive and fast results
  • Works standalone (RPA) or along with human interaction (RDA)

Quick Start

With Square BPM’s Quick Start automate repetitive work, speed up processes, eliminate errors and get work done faster. Deploy your bot within 60 days for a fixed cost.

Robotic Automation Examples:

Start the Day

Account Reconciliation

Customer Investigation

Document Processing

Call Center Operations

RPA Factory

The Square BPM’s RPA Factory manages demand generation, process analysis, process automation, maintenance and support. It is one stop shop to enable your organization for hyperautomation.

RPA Factory Manages:

Pipeline Creation

Process Analysis




Use Cases

Robotic Process Automation
Financial Services
Robotic Automation
Robotic Automation
Robotic Automation